Newsletter Term 1, Week 4, 2024

Student Use of Mobile Phone & Personal Devices Policy
The School Board last night ratified the Student Use of Mobile Phone & Personal Devices Policy. This particularly applies to Smartwatches. A copy of this policy can be found below and will be emailed to families. There has been a growing number of children who are using their smartwatch to contact their parents throughout the day. This is not encouraging the student to develop resiliency.
The South Australian Government’s position is that primary aged students cannot use their mobile phones and personal devices at school during school hours. The school recognises that there are legitimate reasons for students to bring a mobile phone or personal device to school. This may include:
• to ensure their safety while travelling
• so that parents can contact them outside of school hours.
During the school day (includes Before & After School Care & Vacation Care) students are not permitted to access or use their mobile phones or other personal devices (ie smartwatch). Students must switch off or mute their devices before storing them at the beginning of the school day. They will not be able to access their device until the end of the school day.

Stage 2 Building
Railway Tce Car Park – Closed Monday 26 February & Monday 4 March – 6.00am – 12.30pm
On the Mondays 26 February & 4 March, the Railway Tce Car Park (Back Car Park) will be closed to all cars (this includes staff cars) as the concrete slab is being poured. This will involve a concrete pump truck & 12 concrete trucks who will require easy access to the building site. This will begin at 6am and conclude at approx 12. This is for the mornings only.
There will be pedestrian access from Railway Tce only. Parking will be allowed on the Oval via the gate where the old playground was from 8.30 - 9.15. Please see map below & a copy will be emailed to familes.

The safety of our students was raised at the School Board Meeting. The safety of our children is paramount to the operation of any school and where our children and cars share the same space every care is needed. Given the Railway Tce Car Park is adjacent to the Stage 2 Building Project I ask for all parents to be vigilant with the safety of their children and their own when using this Kiss and Drop area. I have been told that this message can also be applied to the Church Car Park.
NAPLAN (National Assessment Program- Literacy and Numeracy)
Students in Year 3 and Year 5 students will be sitting the assessments during Week 7 and 8 of this term (starting Wednesday 13 March). This is earlier than usual. This coming Tuesday the students in Years 3 & 5 will sit the trial NAPLAN test. The focus of the trial is for the student to be familiar with the test and to test our IT and the NAPLAN platform.
The NAPLAN assessments are linked to the Australian Curriculum. The aim is to determine whether students are developing the essential skills; predominately in literacy and numeracy, that they will need in life. It is important to understand that this is one form of assessment that is used to gather data about your child’s attainment of literacy and numeracy skills. At OLV, we use a variety of ongoing assessment and reporting processes to inform our teaching and support student learning.
In the media recently, you may have heard that parents and carers will get earlier, simpler and clearer information about their child’s NAPLAN achievement based on new, more rigorous national standards. If you have any questions regarding NAPLAN, please contact your child's class teacher.
Pupil Free Day - Friday 8th March
Our practice is to have our Pupil Free Days on the Friday prior to the long weekends in March and June. On Friday 8th March (preceding Adelaide Cup Long Weekend) we will have our first Pupil Free Day (Please note that Preschool will also be closed)
OSHC is available, please book by phoning Sue.

Lent is very much upon us. Lent is the 40 day - not including Sundays - from Ash Wednesday to the Saturday before Easter. Lent is an important period of reflection, growth, and new beginnings in the Christian calendar.
Shrove Tuesday
On Shrove Tuesday people traditionally cook and eat pancakes. The reason for this was to use up foods such as fat, eggs and milk before Lent.
We are thankful for the wonderful community of volunteers we have here at OLV. 16 volunteers came together last Tuesday to shake, cook, and serve students and staff their pancakes. Thank you and bless you for your commitment to us as a school. Know you are VERY appreciated. We raised $367 for Project Compassion.
Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday kicks off Lent. Speaking verses like “for you are dust and to dust you shall return” (Genesis 3:19), a priest applies ashes in the shape of a cross to a person’s forehead. It’s a day for humbling ourselves, for remembering God and God’s impact in our lives.
Maundy Thursday/Holy Thursday/Covenant Thursday
Maundy Thursday is the Thursday before Easter. We remember the Thursday when Jesus ate the Last Supper with His twelve disciples and was then betrayed by Judas, arrested, and put on an unjust trial. Read Matthew 26 for the whole story.
Good Friday
Though it may seem ironic to call it “good,” the Friday before Easter is when Christians commemorate Jesus’ death. Songs and gatherings often carry a sad feeling, to meditate on the sorrow of this day—and the need for Jesus to die because of our sin.
Easter Sunday
Easter is technically not part of Lent (like the other Sundays, which are celebrations of Jesus’ death and resurrection—so not traditional days of fasting). It’s after the 40 days. But Easter Sunday is the “happy ending” of Lent: Jesus rose again!
To end……
I’d like to share with you a version of Fr. Roderick’s homily (Sunday 18th February) regarding Lent. Lent is not a period of self-denial (diets, no chocolate, etc.) but an opportunity for self-discovery and spiritual growth awed by a feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder. He continued his theme of AWE with the following synopsis: A – to fast from APATHY: steering away from a lack of interest, and lack of concern for others. Take the time to be with another, listen and be present. W – to fast from WASTE: being mindful of the time we lose being idle, and the unnecessary waste of utilities: water and food wastage, and perhaps declutter the home, office, life, etc., and E – to fast from EXCESS: as part of the Lenten practice, choose to abstain from buying items that are not necessities for survival.
As you walk your Lenten journey, may it be a season of transformation, filled with the hope and promise of the Holy Spirit and Easter's joyful message.
God Bless.

Family Details & Student Information
It is really important to have at all times the correct information for all students. If you have recently moved address, changed your phone numbers and/or your email address, could you please make sure that the office is made aware of the changes.
Emergency contacts other than Parents - You may like to add one or two more names to your records as an Emergency Contact (e.g. Grandparent, Aunt/Uncle, older Brother or Sister or even a close friend), that way if there is ever an issue and we are unable to contact either parent in an emergency then we would have another one or two people to contact.
Medication & Medical Details
Does your child have any medical issues that we are unaware of? If so please let us know as a matter of urgency so that we can update our records.
If you would like us to administer medication to your child during the day, please make sure that a Medication Authority form is completed. Medication of any sort needs to be in the original packaging with the Chemist Label showing the child's name, medication dosage, expiry date etc.
We also ask that if your child is to have 1/2 a tablet etc. then the medication needs to be precut before being given to the office.
No medication is to be given to the students to keep in their school bag. All medication will need to be handed into the office and a Medication Authority signed by a Parent or Caregiver.
Epi Pens & Asthma Puffers & Medical Plans
We are in the process of making sure all medication held onsite is within the expiry date, is in the correct packaging with child's name etc and that all Medical Plans are up to date. We will contact parents if anything needs updating and would appreciate a prompt response.
Lunch Orders
A few reminders regarding lunch orders:-
- Lunch orders are ordered and paid for via the QkR! app. This needs to be completed by 9.00am.
- Please make sure that your child's correct class has been selected, otherwise the lunch will be sent to the wrong class.
- Before submitting the order make sure that you have selected the correct day that the child is to receive it.
- Once you have completed the order, don't forget to press submit.
Thank you.

Music Instrumental lessons 2024
Piano/keyboard, flute vocal and saxophone lessons are offered though George & Angela (music tutors who visit the school). These are private lessons primarily given during school hours (fees apply)
Both tutors are highly experienced, qualified and approved to teach. They are eager to receive inquiries from parents for Term 1 2024.
