
At Our Lady of the Visitation School we believe learning needs to be engaging to support each child reach their full potential.

For children to be successful at school, students need to be engaged, their learning environment needs to foster learning and communication is important.

You can read our Teaching and Learning Statement in more detail.

During the school year a number of opportunities are provided for parents to be informed of their child’s learning. As a school we value working in partnership with parents to meet the educational and social and emotional needs of each student. Both learning and well-being goals are developed for each student to ensure they have successful experiences at school. Teachers draw upon data and monitor progress regularly to report on student learning.

The school provides each child in Year 2 & 3 with their own iPad and children in Year 4 - 6 with their own laptop to use for their learning. Students in Year 2 - 6 have access to the Office 365 Suite of programs and are allocated individual log in details to ensure access to their school work at home. 

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Australian Curriculum

The Australian Curriculum is designed to help all students become successful learners, confident individuals, and creative and informed citizens. Our dedicated teachers collaboratively plan and teach the content of core curriculum subjects. They also ensure students develop knowledge, skills, behaviours and dispositions so that these can be applied confidently, effectively and appropriately in complex and changing circumstances in their learning, as well as outside of school.

Australian Curriculum
Religious Education
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Religious Education

As a Catholic school, Our Lady of the Visitation teaches Religious Education. Through formal Religious Education lessons and through celebrating together as a community, students are invited into a personal relationship with God. Children develop an understanding of the Catholic faith and its teaching, based on Dominican tradition. We also strive to create an active faith community that promotes equity and justice for all, while developing socially just people who make positive contributions to our world. Teachers use the Crossways Curriculum and the Made in the Image of God Program to invite students into rich faith experiences.

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Support Programs

At Our Lady of the Visitation School we have a commitment to ensuring every child can reach their full potential. Each cohort of students has their own support programs to ensure progress is made from year to year. We have a number of intervention programs that Curriculum Education Support Officers implement with teachers. Some of these programs are:

  • Sounds-Write
  • Quick Smart Program
  • Move It Program
  • Oral Language Support
  • What’s the Buzz
Support Programs